Union Pacific Conductor Says Toxic Exposures Led to Pancreatic Cancer

How liable are rail operators for the life-threatening illnesses their employees develop? This question is always difficult to answer because each case requires individual consideration. In what looks to be the latest opportunity to explore this issue, 25-year Union Pacific brakeman and conductor Brad Thompson has sued his former employer in Illinois (IL), claiming that…

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How Railroads Try To Pay Workers Less on Railroad Case Verdicts by Claiming an Offset for Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) Disability Benefits

The new strategy for railroads in railroad worker personal injury cases
(FELA cases), is to try to reduce the sums juries are requiring them to
pay by filing legal motions that ask judges to give them a “setoff” or
“credit” for the amount of money the railroad has paid to the Railroad
Retirement Board (RRB) for the employer’s portion of RRB Tier II
benefits (paid in the past by the railroad to the RRB).

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