Did you know that even if you were not involved in a deer- or wildlife-related car accident in West Virginia (WV) during 2010, you paid just over $50 in car insurance premiums to cover the cost of such collisions across the state?

A report compiled and released by the West Virginia Department of Insurance reveleals that insurance companies paid $52 million in claims related to wildlife collisions in 2010, and that more than 25,000 animal-involved crashes occurred. WV car and truck wrecks involving deer and other animals ccounted for between 7 and 8 percent of auto insurance costs and 19 percent of physical auto damages.

The report adds that the $52 million that insurance companies paid out doesn’t reflect the full, true cost of those wrecks. While the amount does include deductibles, uninsured driver claims, health insurance costs, medical bills and lost wages, it does not reflect the suffering of the injured. 

Dring the same period, the state of Virginia (VA) recorded 49,133 deer-car and animal-car collisions claims, representing $115.5 million in total cost.

Car accidents involving deer peak in October and November when deer are on the move and also competing for mates. If you have been injured in a car accident involving wildlife on the roads in Virginia or West Virginia, speak with one of our West Virginia accident attorneys today about your crash.