Mesothelioma is a severe form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos that impacts the lining surrounding the lung. If you or your loved one develops this cancerous condition due to neglect of a company that did business in Virginia, you may have the right to file a mesothelioma claim. However, you must provide proof of asbestos exposure because courts need evidence that shows the defendants sold or distributed asbestos-containing products. Without sufficient evidence, your mesothelioma claim might not be provable, but based on substantial historical evidence developed by skilled asbestos cancer attorneys, we can often help our client prove product identification to pinpoint sources of the asbestos. While you can count on a doctor’s diagnosis for your asbestos-related condition, an experienced mesothelioma attorney is crucial in proving what asbestos product you were exposed to, based on your work history.

What Can You Do To Prove Your Mesothelioma Case?

Courts determine the level of product identification that’s required to help to prove a mesothelioma case. One of the key features is evidence of exposure and product identification. Product exposure tracking is crucial in proving the case because the exposure is mostly traced to companies, products, the military, or employers. Therefore, a skilled asbestos cancer attorney will work with the client or their family members in order to develop the history of relevant product exposure. Sometimes a client’s resume, old job application, and their Social Security or railroad retirement records all can prove the employers and the time frames of prior employment.

A personal injury attorney will also play an important role in helping you provide the necessary product identification, exposure history, and medical records to prove mesothelioma cancer.  However, it’s well established that only asbestos causes mesothelioma; therefore, it’s not a matter of connecting this cancer to asbestos but what products caused the exposure and when did the exposure occur.  Also, mesothelioma has a very long latency, a person could have been exposed 5, 10, or even 40 years before the cancer strikes. Mesothelioma is not associated with a necessarily heavy burden of prior asbestos exposure, so various documentation and sources of proof can assist with presenting a  mesothelioma claim. They include;

  • Imaging scans showing the spread of cancer
  • Pathology report confirming mesothelioma diagnosis
  • Employment records (human resource paperwork) confirming your work history
  • former colleagues at work
  • Paychecks and stubs confirming past employment 

How Can a Mesothelioma Attorney Help?

An established mesothelioma attorney will help prove you or your loved one’s asbestos exposure history. This is because experienced law firms have access to asbestos databases and product identification that can help prove a claim. At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, we have what it takes to produce the required evidence. We track down companies responsible for this unfortunate exposure to asbestos. 

For example, if your loved one worked at a job site with known asbestos exposure, our attorneys can tap into historical information to find out which specific asbestos products were at the workplace, especially if you or a loved one was employed by any railroad based on our long-standing experience. Working with our mesothelioma cancer attorneys is advantageous because we have experience proving mesothelioma asbestos cancer claims.

Contact a Virginia Mesothelioma Injury Attorney for Help

If you or your loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma after asbestos exposure, contact a skilled Virginia mesothelioma attorney by filling in our quick contact chat form or by calling us toll-free.